Monday, March 21, 2011

Lily is Three!

The end of diapers is in sight! At least that's what I thought three meant...

According to Lily three means the following things:
1. I'm a Princess!
2. Hello Kitty
3. Tutus
4. Butterflies
5. I'm busy!

We celebrated as most parents do with a bangin' cupcake party, homemade straight from a box and a can of frosting. Yes, I the great and powerful Cake Lady uses a box mix and canned frosting at home! (I will be forever shamed.)

The kids and I were up past midnight decorating and having fun. At 1 am it was no longer fun when Lily was still awake. Each age has its pleasures and it's challenges. Three is the challenge of, "It's time for bed Lilyana." To which she replies, "No, I'm busy!"

Lily's latest obsession is Tutus. Specifically a little purple Tutu. It is to the point where she will have a stinky diaper and it will smell like a rotting corpse because she will not take the Tutu off. I experimented with making her a Tutu after excellent guidance from a thing called The Internet. It was beautiful. She hates it. She won't go near it. I'm a failure.
At least I took a picture the one time she took it for a spin. Maybe one day she'll get bored enough to try it out again.

The birthday party couldn't have been any more delicious! We even had Rainbow Sherbet and Ginger Ale punch, score! I want to have punch every day now, it's that good. Lily started unwrapping presents as soon as they arrived. (Hey, you try telling a three year old with a table full of presents she can't open them yet!) Lily would say, "Close your eyes!" Whenever she opened a present and then,"Now you see!"

When it was time to blow the candle out, we started singing Happy Birthday and she blew out the candle before we finished singing. So Josh lit it for her again and we sang the last line. Then, "I want to make a wish!" started. I think she blew out the candle 4-6 times. I hope she got some good wishes in!

All in all, it was a great party. Lily made out like a bandit with a whole new wardrobe, accessories, a new puppy, bubbles, and over 1,850 stickers minus the 99 she stuck to me while I was sleeping. She is so fortunate to have many people who love her! I think three is going to be a good year after all.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Love it! The party looked absolutely delightful and Lily gets cuter every day!