Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fast Forward

It's been awhile. Where do we start? Happy, Healthy, and Loving our life.

Lily is doing wonderfully. She is tooling around in the walker like a speed demond. Look out! She will get your toes if you're in her way. She drives it like a bumper car, she'll ram it forward till she hits something, then she throws it in reverse! Tonight Liam was playing a little game with her of peek-a-boo around her while she was running over him with the walker.

Lucien is still a mastermind. I never knew a 2 year old could give you such a look of shame. His expressions tilt the world on end. He is currenty building a gun out of blocks... eh.

Liam is in big boy underwear today..."No.. I don't want it!" At least he is polite most the time and says, "No, No thank you... I don't want it!" He has just gotten back into watching Finding Nemo again, it's a great movie.

Eliot is 6 going on 16. He doesn't like to practice the violin, but he has a lot of talent and a very good ear. He would rather watch transformers animated, which somedays i would rather do instead of being the mom and doing mom chores.

My fabulous husband is reading like crazy these days. He has a second girlfriend named Sookie, a character in the Dead Until Dark books by Charline Harris. Thanks goodness he is on the second to last book in the series. I miss him. He still gives me smidgins of bits of attention when i do so require them, if i have a pouty enough look.

I... ah, haven't been to inspired. I haven't read in awhile. I got stuck on Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. I just can't seem to get the umph to go forward with it, yet i'm only 130 pages into it. I haven't written in a while. I have been cleaning a lot, perhaps my spring fever has come a little early. It was nice and warm this week, up until today that is. It's about 9 degrees right now, yikes!

We have a New baby in the family, Dexter Levi Groth, born December 26th. My brother Chris and his wife Sarah have had their first child. Mama looks fantastic and baby is doing well.

My sister is expecting in July and is full of excitement. She will find out the sex in about 4 weeks.

Not much else going on around here. We are trying to buckle down and coast through the winter months.

The funniest thing is... I'm happier than i think i've ever been. There are many things that could be improved, yet i'm not bothered by it. I am really enjoying my kids and my husband. I like this time of life. I just got tired of not being happy with myself and hating myself, and now I feel so much better. I've been more careful to take better care of myself. I don't want to be old and tired for my kids. I want to play with them. I'm taking vitamins again, sleeping, and excercising. What a combo! Somehow eating is just not as scary anymore, now that i don't hate myself.

Honey is on his way home... Go to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with anything, but I thought you might find some of these as hilarious as I did.

- Dana