Saturday, October 11, 2008

The First Post! WHOO-HOO!!!

So, here i go. Stepping into the... What century is it? Anyway, I'm giving a shot at blogging.

We are the Dineen Machine. Mommy Daddy Eliot Liam Lucien and Lilyana. Newly 30, 30, 6, 4, 2 and 7 months respectively. We are busy. We are crazy. We are happy!!!

Eliot is rocking out in kindergarten this year. He just got an awesome glow in the dark bracelet for good behavior all week at school! His latest obsession is Bakugan. Players battle with these cool balls that pop up and turn into crazy animals. There is an awesome show that we watch online with a great 80's/metal theme song. Eliot, of course, knows the song and sings it by heart with enthusiam. It's almost as great as the animated Transformer theme song.
Got to Love it!

Liam is struting a serious mohawk this week. He got new videos for his birthday and has been in full Dora/Diego mode. Today he told me he needed to go potty!!! Major big step here. I was so proud of him. He is really enjoying being the big brother when Eliot is gone to school. He is learning how to muscle his brother Lucien around. That's a lot of muscle!

Lucien has come into the full TWO. There is no getting around that! He has his moments. He is still just about the cutest thing on the planet. All that blonde hair and blue eyes, WATCH OUT! He loves, loves, loves his baby sister. He kisses her toes and tells her he loves her. Sounds more like, "Lub Jew" than, " love you". He makes the best sound effects. He has this, "gttttttttttt" trill sound that he does. It's freakin' awesome!

is almost sitting up now. She loves to hit the saucer hard and bounce like there is now tomorrow! I love watching her. This baby girl is definately NO BOY! She is girly, girly, girly. She already has the look down. She smiles and bats her eyelashes and you want to give in to her so badly! She is really a great baby. Only unhappy when she needs something. She has bounced back so well, healthy as can be!

is still working hard at the Cello. He plays every chance he gets. It sounds beautiful. He is a big help with Eliot and the Violin. He just brought all his Orchids in the house for the winter. That's a lot of Orchids! It's makes the basement look like a tropical paradise, with a little imagination at least. He is busy cooking up an idea for a new dish, something new, but old.

Mommy is looking forward to eating whatever daddy cooks up! I've been baking a lot lately, mostly cupcakes. It must be the season change. Makes me turn on the oven. I just did some very cute cupcakes for Eliot's snack day at school. They looked like little pumpkins and were super fun to make! I am looking forward to Saturday and Dancing with Daddy! It's been too long since we've gone. I'm ready to tighten my T-straps and cruise around the floor! Let's hope i still remember where to put my feet.

That's all for now... Let's see if i can figure out pictures another day!


Anonymous said...

Hi!!! You're ahead of me with the blogging world.

(it's Linda, from Atlanta.)

I hope your birthday was wonderful and the party was slammin'.

Molly said...

Great blog! Love the updates on everyone, cannot wait to see pictures.